Do you ever feel like your vision, YOUR story of the future is no longer clear as it once was? OR...
Do you ever feel like the picture that once inspired you to action is lost in the sea of non-stop news and information, making you question the #ideas that got you excited about all the possibilities ahead? If so, you’re definitely not alone. More people today are uncertain about the direction they’re going in and more importantly…
WHY they’re going in that direction in the first place. Why? One major reason for this is we’ve elevated “stats and data” above human imagination. I don’t know about you but I’ve never been inspired by a spreadsheet or a pie chart. :) But it’s more than that. You see...
Many of us have forgotten WHAT a powerful vision truly is and WHO that powerful vision is for. A powerful vision is a STORY of the future that inspires OTHER people to action. Think about it. When’s the last time you were inspired by a someones vision just for themselves?
A powerful vision puts the people you serve at the center and invites THEM to take part in making it a reality. If you want greater clarity about where you’re going and why, start with the people you serve.
3 Ways I can Help You Right Now:
Get a Free Copy of my Book! Learn the top 3 skills that will equip you to create the future on YOUR terms. Get a FREE digital copy of my latest book, The 3 Skills You Must Have to Create the Future You Want to See
Take 33% off The Future 3 Skills Builder Course Series! Master the 3 Skills quicker and with greater confidence by enrolling in, The Future 3: Skills Builder Course Series!
Earn Your Official Certificate in Strategic Foresight from The University of Tennessee! Learn the same skills that innovators, industry disruptors, and change makers, have used to guide and shape the kind of future they wanted to see. All while earning your Certificate in Strategic Foresight from, Haslam College of Business, University of Tennessee, when you enroll in The Foresight Academy!